http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=a00714z&b=1&f=1645205747&p=465 我想知道他的歌名 請大家幫我二十點 肛溫:) 更新: 那要從哪下載!!!!!!!
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演唱者:J. Han feat. Sam Ock 圖片參考:http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/152/l_cc31483283a04f0881f81b543c1a1025.jpg 歌曲名:Never Change 完整歌詞參考: http://introspector11.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/never-change-by-j-han-ft-sam-ock/ 部分歌詞: J.Han Our love for each other was so pure. I looked out for you, you reached out to me. We would never be separated by simple aberration, -cause of regular collaborations. Yes, our times together were so sweet and on the weekends we would have our meetings. You were seeking my attention, you called me every single day for – conversation. You were confident even when the problems hit. Obstacles and potholes were challenges. You trusted me – amidst your disarray. I hoped you stayed to hear – what I had to say. My encouragement – was your strength to carry on, even though you relied on Dom Perignon. You wanted a higher love, I provided. -You are my bride, why did you fight it?Chorus Sam Ock You wanna be together with me for eternity? You turn your head the other way and choose to feed your greed. You are my masterpiece, I have washed your feet. My love for you will never change, I will never change. J.Han No matter what the world says about you. Truth – will always stand and it’ll bear fruit. Sometimes you’re embarrassed of me and yet so arrogant to your peers like pharisees. Heresy floats on the surface. Instead of building on my rock, you decide to throw them. You would greet me with a cloaked passion but lacked the – compassion, you actor. You act up, attracted to blasphe- “me, myself, and I” – mentality. The fallacy in that you ain’t really worthy you’re not the master says Luke 17. I married you, I’ve tasted the tea you brewed If you ain’t hot for me, then you’re dispensable. I don’t care how sweet you were. Today make sure you pick up your cross and follow my word. Chorus 2010-08-28 14:32:23 補充: 去他的Myspace聽~ http://www.myspace.com/jameshanmusic 下載..我阿災..你問歌名我就答歌名 下次你要載點可以直接一開始問 只是沒人會答 會被檢舉違反智慧財產權-.-