英文難題...If you drive a car
If you drive a car in a city, you must put up with far omre restrictions in the way of stop signs and speed limits that you would in a rural neighbourhood.這句的答案,係話,駕駛在城市比rural 更多限制,答案,If you drive a car in a rural district, you enjoy more freedom of driving.但我唔明,尾尾 that you would in a rural neighbourhood. 不是在講... 顯示更多 If you drive a car in a city, you must put up with far omre restrictions in the way of stop signs and speed limits that you would in a rural neighbourhood. 這句的答案,係話,駕駛在城市比rural 更多限制, 答案,If you drive a car in a rural district, you enjoy more freedom of driving. 但我唔明,尾尾 that you would in a rural neighbourhood. 不是在講 rural 都有這種限制嗎?
呢句如無意外你串錯字,或原文本身打錯。 不是 THAT,應是 THAN that you would in a rural neighbourhood. Should be more restrictions ...... than you would in a rural neighbourhood. If you drive a car in a city, you must put up with far more restrictions in the way of stop signs and speed limits than you would in a rural neighbourhood. = more restrictions in a city than in a rural neighbourhood. 你的理解很正確,只是原文或是你打錯字,所以不明白。 譯文如下: 如果你在城市駕車,你一定要比在鄉村忍受多很多 (更多) 的禁止路標和車速限制。 >>但我唔明,尾尾 that you would in a rural neighbourhood. 不是在講 rural 都有這種限制嗎? 有,但一定比城市少。 2006-11-16 20:18:48 補充: 同意 k456789 的看法,不用鑽牛角尖. 這是一句 general statement。 2006-11-16 20:20:00 補充: 用得 MORE 當然要有 THAN,所以肯定個 THAT 是串錯。
如果用 'than you would' 的話, 可能會更清晰知道這裡是在做對比. 前方多後方少. 句子要表達的就是這意思, 不用鑽牛角尖. 這是一句general statement, 是全球通行的common sense. 應該不會有哪個城市的限制會比鄉村地區更寬鬆. 當然, 有neighbourhood即是某個地方有人在, 或多或少也要遵守規則, 不可能全無限制. 如果句子演變成: If you drive a car in a rural neighbourhood, you must put up with far more restrictions in the way of stop signs and speed limits than you would in the wild. 表面意思十分清楚, 深入看的話亦會明白rural neighbourhood有規則要遵守, the wild(荒山野嶺)則比較少. 但大家也知道the wild不會有規則, 所以沒有任何限制.|||||因那是句子的結構性問題, 若用中文表達, 你可能會易明白些: 例: 1. 和在郊區駕車比較, 你在城市駕車要更加小心及專注交通 例: 2. 和在市區駕車比較, 你在郊區駕車會輕鬆一點. 但是在英文, 卻變成了相反, 我們開始時是指什麼就要帶出那個信息來, 那就是說, 如你開始時是說城市駕車, 你就要帶出在城市駕車的是和不是, 反之, 你就要指明在郊區駕車的好和或壞處, 所以你原先那句是以中式英文來表達, 結果就不對了.|||||If you drive a car in a city, you must put up with far omre restrictions in the way of stop signs and speed limits that you would in a rural neighbourhood. 中文意思是 : 如果你在市區駕車就要忍受比郊區更多的路標和車速限制 這沒有問題, 因為無論市區或郊區都會有路標和車速限制, 只是郊區由於少曲折道路, 所以路標相對為少, 車速亦可較高, 其實不應用忍受來比喻, 因為交通規則人人都要遵守.|||||你的第二句是這樣的, you must put up with far more restrictions ....... that you would be in a rural neighbourhood (譯) 你必須忍受較諸郊區更多之路牌及速度限制 所以comparatively於郊區駕駛是較自由﹐這句子意思沒有問題﹐我只奇怪為何second clause中沒有了verb 'be'