





最近買相機找到的資料,請英文不錯的朋友幫我翻譯一下好嗎?這篇是有關於數位相機的文章...>< 小女子感激不盡... Aside from the high megapixel count, there's not all that much that's new about the EX-Z1200. It has the usual 3X optical zoom lens (with no wide-angle end of the zoom). It does offer an 848-by-480 wide movie mode (which is slightly... 顯示更多 最近買相機找到的資料,請英文不錯的朋友幫我翻譯一下好嗎? 這篇是有關於數位相機的文章...>< 小女子感激不盡... Aside from the high megapixel count, there's not all that much that's new about the EX-Z1200. It has the usual 3X optical zoom lens (with no wide-angle end of the zoom). It does offer an 848-by-480 wide movie mode (which is slightly wider than the usual 640-by-480 VGA mode) and includes MPEG-4 video encoding, but only at 20 frames per second instead of 30 fps, which generally gives you smoother video quality. The camera is compatible with both SD and SDHC memory cards. It will also have sensor-based image stabilization, face detection and motion analysis technologies, and 34 scene modes. The EX-Z1200 will also come with a 2.8-inch LCD. 更新: (不要翻譯軟體唷 ><>) 謝謝....


Aside from the high megapixel count, there's not all that much that's new about the EX-Z1200. 除了像素變高之外,EX-Z1200 算不上有什麼新玩意。 It has the usual 3X optical zoom lens (with no wide-angle end of the zoom). 它具備一般水準的 3 倍變焦鏡頭(無廣角變焦)。 It does offer an 848-by-480 wide movie mode (which is slightly wider than the usual 640-by-480 VGA mode) and includes MPEG-4 video encoding, but only at 20 frames per second instead of 30 fps, which generally gives you smoother video quality. 但它卻有提供寬螢幕 (848 x 480) 的錄影模式,這比一般的 VGA (640 x 480) 還略寬一些。支援 MPEG-4 的影片壓縮格式,但只有在每秒 20 張而非一般的 30 張的情況下,因此能給你更流暢的影片品質。 The camera is compatible with both SD and SDHC memory cards. It will also have sensor-based image stabilization, face detection and motion analysis technologies, and 34 scene modes. The EX-Z1200 will also come with a 2.8-inch LCD. 這台相機可使用 SD 和 SDHC 記憶卡。其它的功能有防手震、臉部智慧對焦、動態分析技術以及 34 種情境模式。EX-Z1200 同時具備了有 2.8 吋的 LCD 螢幕。


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