幫忙翻譯一段英文 謝謝
I sincerely apologize for my previous response, your account has been blocked due to a chargeback being filed. A chargeback is disputed charged filed with your bank or financial institution on your behalf. In order to remove the block from your account you will need to pay back the amount of the chargeback plus any... 顯示更多 I sincerely apologize for my previous response, your account has been blocked due to a chargeback being filed. A chargeback is disputed charged filed with your bank or financial institution on your behalf. In order to remove the block from your account you will need to pay back the amount of the chargeback plus any processing fees. Please contact our chargeback department at 1-888-854-4446 if you have any questions, comments or wish to payback the chargeback. To avoid paying these fees you can also contact your credit card company and request that the chargeback be reversed and request a faxed letter be sent stating the dispute has been removed to 1-650-628-1360. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email. When replying to this by email, be sure to include the previous emails since we do not keep them on record. Our Quality Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday. 更新: 麻煩別用奇摩的翻譯了 因為我看不懂 -_-
我真誠地道歉,為我以前的回應,你的戶口已被封鎖,由於扣款索償被提起。扣款索償,是有爭議的指控提交給你的銀行或金融機構,就代表你。為了消除塊從你的賬戶,你需要回饋金額扣款並加上任何加工費。請聯繫我們的扣款索償部1-888-854-4446 ,如果你有任何問題,意見或想饋贈扣款。為了避免支付這些費用您也可以聯繫您的信用卡公司,並要求扣款得到扭轉並要求他們傳真了一封信寄給說明糾紛已被移除,以1-650-628-1360 。如果您有任何進一步的問題或顧慮,隨時回復此郵件。在回答這個由電子郵件,一定要包含以往的電子郵件,因為我們沒有讓他們記錄在案。我們優質的服務,代表可週一~週五。 (滿意嗎??)
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0.0|||||我誠摯的為我之前的回覆道歉,您的帳戶因為款項扣回的提出而被鎖 款項扣回是一筆由您的銀行或金融機構基於您的利益所提出的爭議收費 為了將您的帳戶解鎖,您必須繳回扣款金額及處理費 若有任何疑問,意見,或您希望將扣款繳回,請與我們的扣款部門聯絡,電話是1-888-854-4446 您也可以與您的信用卡發卡行聯絡,要求其沖銷扣款並傳真載明爭議款已移除的文件給您,以避免處理費的給付,電話是1-650-628-1360 若您有任何更進一步的問題或關切之事,您也可以直接回覆這封EMAIL 當您以EMAIL的方式回覆此事時,請您務必確認其中包含了之前聯繫的EMAIL 因為我們並沒有將EMAIL存檔 我們的客服人員上班時間是週一到周五.|||||我誠墾地為以前的回應向您道歉,您的戶口由於扣款索償被拒而被封鎖。扣款索償被拒是因為代表您的銀行或金融機構對此有所爭議。為了重新開啟您的賬戶,您除了需要支付原有的扣款索償金額外,還需加上手續費。如果您有任何問題或意見 ,歡迎您聯繫我們的扣款索償部,電話是: 1-888-854-4446 。為了避免支付這些額外的費用,您也可以聯繫您的信用卡公司,要求他們傳真證明信件至1-650-628-1360,說明此狀況已經處理妥當。如果您有任何進一步的問題或疑慮,請回覆此郵件。在回覆郵件時,請您務必附上以往往來的郵件,以方便我們保持記錄。我們的服務時間為週一至週五。4301D6A32CFBE1E9